The one-day cleaning

 This diet is composed by American nutritionists, is designed for just one day. But the unique combination of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and amino acids ensures effective purgation (provided the most rigorous dieting)!

Early in the morning after waking up - a cup of green tea.

8.00 - a glass of tea bread, 1 apple.

9.00 - half a cup of tea bread mixed with the same amount of grape juice, 100 g of grape.

10.00 - 2 cups of green tea.

11.00 - half a cup of tea bread, mixed with the same amount of carrot juice, apple.

12.00 - a glass of grape juice, 100 grams of grapes.

15.00 - 2 cups of green tea.

16.00 - half a cup of tea bread mixed with the same amount of carrot juice.

17.00 - glass of mineral water.

18.00 - 03.02 peppers.

19.00 - half a cup of tea bread, mixed with the same amount of apple or pear juice.

At night - a cup of green tea.

Bread tea prepared as follows: 200 grams of black bread (cut into pieces), pour 1 liter of boiling water, let stand for 8-10 hours, then strain.

Tags: cleaning