The color scheme of the interior and emotional state

The color scheme of the interior and emotional state
 Interior color - it's your mood. When a person looks at some time one color, he subconsciously there are associations, changing emotional and physical condition. The colors have different effects on the human perception. In accordance with this carefully weigh the choice of colors for your interior.
 It is believed that the dark tone comfort, and light, in contrast, is excited. Different tones of the act so the title of "warm" and "cold" groups, the first prompt for action, and the second - to rest. Warm shades of the interior create the effect of approximation, cold - remoteness. Furthermore, each color has its own particular properties.

Black is a neutral color, it promotes discernment and reflection. Combined with all colors.

Gray is stability. It does not cause any psychological reactions and helps protect itself from external experiences.

White and neutral, is associated with cleanliness and order. It is suitable for all others, mitigating the rich, vibrant colors. Room, painted in white color, will be bright and spacious.

Blue - the color of freshness. It has beneficial effect on the nervous system, relaxes, reduces the pulse and blood pressure, but sometimes it can generate and anxiety. The interior of a blue color looks too cold, but already in combination with other colors looks pleasant.

Blue, sky-blue has a certain rigor. It is visually expand the room. On the emotional state of a person acting soothing blue color, reducing anxiety. Thanks to the blue color in humans decreases blood pressure and muscle tension, as well as slowing down the breath.

Purple - a mystical and sensual color. The interior should be used with caution, diluting it with other colors as purple one can contribute to depression.

Red - temperamental, energetic, strong-willed, and even aggressive. It increases the breathing rhythm and stimulates action. The red color in the interior is sometimes the cause of unrest and anxiety because strengthens the nervous tension and anxiety. If you have this color is only valid with the positive side, use it to the interior living room, kitchen or hallway. But it is better to combine with other soothing colors.

Yellow - the color of sociability, mobility, independence and openness. This color in the interior promotes a joyful atmosphere, it will help relieve the stress and will have a positive impact on the nervous system. Yellow, combining it with other colors can be painted any room.

Orange - a cheerful color. This color stimulates the senses and improves performance, but only with the condition of temporary rest from it. Long stay in the room with this color tires. Orange slightly accelerates blood circulation, respiration and heart rate increases, but pressure is not particularly affected.

Brown - mundane and everyday color. Sometimes he provokes avoiding intellectual needs to corporal. The interior is perfect for any room.

Green - the color of self-sufficiency. Calmest of flowers, it creates a sense of purity and coolness. The interior is ideal for rest rooms.

Given the characteristics of color, do not forget to pay attention to personal perception of color. Everyone feels different color, this contributes to a number of factors - this mood, and age, and social status. Accordingly, each will have its own optimal color scheme of the interior.

Tags: color person interior condition selection action gamma