Fireplace in modern interior

Fireplace in modern interior
 Each family has long had its own hearth, which in all ages helped man survive. At first, he warms the cave where families lived, then it started to cook. When moving to house people brought in the best of what humanity cashing centuries: tools, clothes and, of course, the hearth.  

A descendant of the ancient hearth furnace began, and after gasification and electrification of furnace was replaced by a small fireplace and well maintained. Of course, a fireplace in a modern interior in the Khrushchev or small apartment - this is nonsense. But there is, perhaps, the country house or cottage, where there would be crackling in the fireplace fire.

Although fire is unlikely to play a major role in heating the huge country house, but the air in the room where it is located, will be warm and dry.

Methods device fireplace remained the same, but the good people still need to search. However, in modern conditions increasingly takes place in the interior electric fireplace. This is the most convenient and least comfortable than a real fireplace, which makes the design of the room was finally formed and finished.

Facing as a natural fireplace and artificial can be performed in the style of decoration throughout the room. The variety of tiles so that he can arrange a fireplace, using remarkable imagination. And then a fireplace in the interior will look like a work of art.

I would like to look at the advantages of the electric fireplace in comparison with the present. Immediately eliminates the need harvesting and storing firewood furnace and acquisition device chimney. Electric heater does not heat Glazed Tile, and on the mantel can be positioned any small stylish gizmos that will complement the interior decorating and living room. Electric fireplace does not give ash, which must be periodically removed from the fireplace. And most importantly, that it can be fitted in the usual room apartment in the city, having sustained the interior of this room in the style of living of a country house.

Well after all that fit perfectly into modern interiors objects that have reached us from the past.

Tags: interior, fireplace