How to beat shyness

How to beat shyness
 Shyness sweet and burdensome only in small doses. If it becomes the dominant personality trait, prevents it open, does not fully communicate. But you can overcome shyness.  
 Perhaps your shyness has arisen because of a bad experience of communication in the past, due to the fact that as a child you hurt, teased. And you decided as little as possible to communicate with people, that there was no back pain of humiliation, resentment. Try to close the door to the past. That was - it is not. We have to live now. The failures are not perfect, but the biggest mistake would be withdrawal, lack of communication.

Do not think that talking to you, the caller will first notice your embarrassment, shyness, the soul laughs at you. That's not it. Most people first of all think of themselves, their shortcomings, you are in this sense is not unique. Therefore calm his suspiciousness and focus on the topic of conversation, depending on the situation vis unobtrusively Ask about his problems, tell us about your. And you will realize that the earth revolves not only around your shyness.

Kindness, sincerity and positive attitude - your loyal helpers in dealing with shyness. Do not wait until you notice and greet - do yourself this first step. But not with the dull look of a man who is forced to abide by the rules of propriety. Say hello to the soul, blessed with others smile - even feel how nice you their society (of course, if this is indeed the case).

Not to be trapped at some party, prepare for it in advance: Think about what it will likely speak and please be at least a minimum of information. Can rehearse their lines at home, answers, demeanor. Connect imagination, acting, select the desired image. Try to play "the soul of the company" - who knows, maybe soon you will become it without the game.

Treat with a share of good humor to his shyness, do not hesitate to it, like this feature of your character. After all, modesty really decorate, if it is in harmony with the inner world, does not prevent you and others to live.

Tags: struggle to overcome, shyness