How to Clean Energy apartments

How to Clean Energy apartments
 If your house is often heard swearing and shouting, do not grow flowers and you do not get proper comfort and relaxation, it is worth to clean the apartment from negative energy. Try to limit entry to the premises to strangers or those who are attuned to you unkindly.
 Conduct cleaning manipulation should only be after you eliminate all external causes - will cease to trouble, to receive visitors and worry. Let some time in the apartment reigns peace and quiet - maybe it will have to do during the holidays and vacations, when the house will be as small as possible households.

Perform general cleaning, getting rid of unnecessary things and old trash, raking piles and corners. Wash windows, perestirayte curtains and bedspreads, remove dust. Buy a new house plants - unpretentious and choose nekapriznye trees and bushes, some flowers. Arrange them around the room to add to the room of "life."

Use essential oils to create a favorable atmosphere in the house. The smell of pine and eucalyptus to help restore power in the house, and bergamot, geranium, orange help to cope with stress. Clean your apartment with the help of aromatherapy - light the lamp or incense sticks. Arrange the flat decorative candles and from time to time to light them - fire purifies energy.

From decorative elements buy vases with elongated neck - is that they attract positive energy. If your house has a picture of a disharmonious subjects (violence, uncomfortable for eye color combinations, etc.), some interior elements with sharp corners and adverse effect on the atmosphere in the house, you should get rid of them. Replace the bad picture photos of friends and relatives, children, the picture of the vegetation and the elements, etc.

If the family is Orthodox, then pull the corner under a separate icons - images of saints in the house will bring calm and peace, to instruct its inhabitants on the path of spiritual growth.

Examine his bedroom - a place where you have to relax, so its design should be given special attention. Any heavy lamps and sconces above the head of household appliances (TV, DVD-player, stereo and so on.), Dark and dense textiles, as well as anything that creates a feeling of depression, there should not be.

Tags: apartment, housing, energy, energy