
 Orarion (from Lat. Orare - pray) - detail vestments deacons, is the length (2, 5 to 4 m) with respect to a narrow ribbon embroidered. Stole made of silk and used during worship. They symbolize humility Deacons stole hang on the left shoulder so that one end speskalsya on the chest and the other ...
 Orarion (from Lat. Orare - pray) - detail vestments deacons, is the length (2, 5 to 4 m) with respect to a narrow ribbon embroidered. Stole made of silk and used during the service. They symbolize humility Deacons stole hang on the left shoulder so that one end speskalsya on his chest, and the other - on the back. Archdeacon and Archdeacon are two orarion one they hang as deacons, the second is lowered from the left shoulder to the right hip, connecting the ends. Subdeacons are orarion crosswise.