
 Kapok - wool plant, which is extracted from the interior of the fruit of the cotton tree, cultivated mainly in Asia. Hairs have a diameter 0, 02-0, 04 mm and a length of 10-35 mm. They are soft and pleasant to the touch, floating and water-resistant. Durable material, so even years is not subject to decay. Use kapok stuffing ...
 Kapok - wool plant, which is extracted from the interior of the fruit of the cotton tree, cultivated mainly in Asia. Hairs have a diameter 0, 02-0, 04 mm and a length of 10-35 mm. They are soft and pleasant to the touch, floating and water-resistant. Durable material, so even years is not subject to decay. Use kapok stuffing furniture, mattresses, pillows, life belts, jackets, and the manufacture of other pieces of furniture and appliances.