I do not want her husband

 There is such a viper joke: "Good thing the marriage will not be called." Often in many married couples turns out that "the love boat breaks up on life": an ardent flame of passion is gradually turning into exactly fire burning fireplace. And sometimes it turns out quite sad: it takes several years, and it seems that the next - perfect stranger. And there is no longer want nothing: no confidential talk, no tender embrace, nor, especially, sex games. How to return the passion and desire in the former overexposed married life?

Husband, of course, begin to pry, to ask what was going on, ask questions. "Do you love me? "" I became disgusted with you? "" Do you have another man? ". Tell him that sex is now exclusively emetic response, it is not necessary, or for a husband for men (after all, it can not be denied), such a revelation would be a serious psychological trauma: how does it - he, the male, and causes no desire to have its own wife!

And then, the reasons for the lack of a passionate desire for sex may be as much as: family life so much trouble that, when it comes to sex, fatigue makes itself felt. Or maybe you just have a warehouse of temperament, that you are not ready to pounce on her husband with a flaming pestering every time you see him? This option is also quite real.

The media actively imposed on us the belief that true love without daily sex several times a day does not happen. Even smart, thoughtful and subtle sense of a woman in this situation begins to feel, to put it mildly, not at ease. "Am I frigid? "" Maybe I have started some disease? ". And as a conclusion - "I guess our marriage - it is a big mistake." And here it is necessary to stop and not to rush the completion of family life, especially if you have a home run the younger generation. For now, just sit down and think about what can be corrected.

1. Maybe you have ceased to monitor their appearance?

Once married, the "he" is here to stay? Not a fact. Try to look attractive - at least to start simply because of self-esteem: that was a pleasure to look in the mirror. Maybe then you will want to be creative and play seductress, experimenting with different images? The main thing is not to take care of themselves at the center, or at home and do not have time, and even loving man such narcissism not survive - escape.

2. And if you bring something new into the intimate life? Perhaps unusual, interesting ways of sex "zavedut" and you?

Unexpected for you and your "male" half will be sex after a large family "dismantling", washing dishes or cleaning at the end of the week. After all, who said that all the tenderness with candles and flowered nobody bothered?

3. Try to pay attention to the masculine traits of her husband.

Feel finally own fragility and vulnerability, ask for help. Then the "potential difference" can give good electrical discharge stormy passion!

4. Make an effort and be candid as possible with each other.
This applies not only experiences or thoughts on current issues, but also erotic fantasies. It does not allow even the thought that looks funny and stupid. Perhaps frank ignite a smoldering spark inside.

5. Remember the first time of your life together.

Do not forget a single day when you were together well. Remember the nights spent together. It is better if this is again to talk with her husband. In the end, you come out of this man married because they were convinced that without it life would be empty. Remember that caught this man. Cherish those memories and feelings, all bright and happy in your life together. Take care of each other, not to be in that emptiness, which once feared. Vanity of everyday life and everyday problems should not you part with your chosen one.

Tags: husband of interest