How to improve relations in the family

How to improve relations in the family
 Weather in the house - a very important parameter in order to be able to assess your family life. If there is no peace at home, it is very difficult to find common ground between all family members. Naturally, the majority of people who are at loggerheads, this situation is not satisfied. And they are all the forces trying to fix it.
 To restore and improve relations in the family, you must work hard. First, start with yourself - revise their behavior. If you are too authoritarian, you must reduce speed. Conversely, too slow and indecisive, add confidence.

Analyze the situation, how did you come to discord in the family. If this is due to the total lack of understanding, you should consider a new strategy. Become your partner the best companion. Learn to listen to your loved one. Do not criticize just that. Even if you do not like something, better not say anything, or everything can be again brought to the scandal. Together, learn to compromise: today I lost to you (s), tomorrow you me.

Connect imagination and imagine as if you just started dating. This will help to refresh and give them a sense of romance. Especially because in this way you get to play on your new scenario buketno-candy period.

Begin to give each other gifts. And it should not be the most global things, and a small but pleasant heat tracing soul stuff - favorite chocolates, a set of essential accessories to his car, etc.

Forget about hysterics. After all, no one wants to be close to a nervous and constantly angry partner. Also choose the expression to communicate with their loved one. Under the strict prohibition of insults, humiliation and stinging words. If you are constantly going to hurt a person, he is unlikely to want to continue to communicate with you.

Learn how to talk to your partner about their desires directly, without any extra hints and winding approaches. After all, if your loved one will guess what you want to convey to him and did not do what you dream about, you will again be offended. A scandal at improving relations are not needed.

Spend all their free time together. On weekends, the whole family on nature. On vacation to the sea again all together. Think of a class, that each member of the family felt an equal partner, even children. And then in your family again will peace and understanding.

Tags: Family, Relationships