How to keep a coat of Mouton

How to keep a coat of Mouton
 Mouton - one of the warmest types of sheepskin fur, shaped and painted in a certain way. Coats Mouton perfectly combines two seemingly incompatible parameter - low price and excellent quality. They are well tolerated sleet and rain and could not be better suited to our winters. With proper care and storage mutonovye coats will last more than one season.
 It is best to store coats Mouton in specialized stores, which constantly maintain the required temperature and humidity. They coat is dry, do not sit down, and the fur will be as pleasant and beautiful. However, do not always have the opportunity to give a coat on such storage.

You can store a fur coat from Mouton House. First of all, before storing it is necessary to clean and ventilate the outdoors. If very dirty, it is better to give to the dry cleaners. After this coat to be treated moth balls, or after storage can be found unpleasant tracks that will make thing is absolutely useless. It is best to use aerosol medications, but it should be done with caution. Drugs are usually toxic, so you need to protect them from their exposure of children and pets, and while the respirator or bandage.

It is important to choose the right place to store coats. It should be quite cool and dark. In no case should not be placed on the storage mutonovuyu coat near a heater. The fur can dry out and become brittle, lose form, the size coat will no longer meet before.

Prepared coat should be stored on hangers in limbo. It is desirable to have broad shoulders blades, as the product of long-term storage may be deformed. Top coat is best to put on a special case for storage, which protects against dust and allows fur breathe. In no case did not keep his coat in sealed plastic bags.

If in a closet or in a place where you store your coat, too dry, not bad to put back any small container with water. Evaporating, it will increase the humidity and will prevent dryness and brittleness of fur.

Periodically useful to get a fur coat, shaking and airing, but do it best in cool weather, and avoid contact with the coat of direct sunlight. If it is stored for more than six months, it is possible to re treatment against moths.

Tags: coat, Mouton