How to wear dresses in metallic

How to wear dresses in metallic
 Dress metallic colors are popular not only during the Christmas parties, but also in summer. The main difficulty in the art of wearing this article of clothing is the right choice of accessories and jewelry to him.
 The first thing worth thinking about, go out in a dress metallic colors, what kind of shoes you wear, in addition to this outfit. You can go the easy route and opt for the classic black shoes. This option is always appropriate, especially if open toe shoes will demonstrate claw silver. But you can experiment and choose sandals made of leather or silver shoes, embroidered with sequins, the benefit of leading designers and mass market stores offer a large variety of shoes. The main thing is to know the sense of proportion, so as not to dazzle all its radiance.

Second, be aware of the jewelry. The more richly decorated with your dress, the more modest to be earrings, bracelets, rings and so on. In addition, in this case an important role in creating a harmonious color image plays a metal of which is decorated with embellishments. For example, yellow gold will compete with a touch of the dress and the silver will remain in his shadow. Therefore, before choosing decorations, attach them to together and look from afar as they are well combined.

In addition, it is important to choose a worthy accessories - handbags, clutches, scarves. Since the main in such a manner is just a dress, and all the rest - only its complement, try to all the components were not included in dissonance with each other.

And finally, the most important rule. It is important to not even what to wear dress metallic colors, but how to do it. Since in most cases this article of clothing sewn from elastic fabric that hugs the body and emphasizes not only the advantages, but also disadvantages, and then put it costs only when you are sure that it fits perfectly in the figure. In addition, in a dress, you will always be in the spotlight, so it is important to straighten shoulders, lift the chin and wear it with joy and dignity. And, of course, smiling.

Tags: colors, crystals, dress