5 facts about fast food

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 Despite the fact that the questionable benefit of fast food products is discussed in the media, the popularity of networks catering only growing. What could be easier than to seize a piece of something tasty when it is impossible fully to dine.  

Some facts about fast food are really controversial, others - on the contrary, are obvious even to the researchers. So, five facts about fast food:

Fact number one: fast food - it's fast, cheap and convenient. In practice, the energy value of two sandwiches with cheese, captured with a much smaller, both in terms of calorie content, and value, rather than a series of proposals fast food. On the relation between the benefits and harms of individual products is not the issue.

Fact Two: fast food harm is obvious. This is not entirely true, since everything depends on the composition of used products and the regularity of their application. Therefore, if every day for dinner sausage in a test or a hamburger with fries, the gastritis is provided in principle. Whereas the fact disposable data is not useful products much harm to the body will not cause.

Fact Three: the indispensable companion of fast food - soda. No matter what kind of brand it is, but in any case the amount of sugar in these drinks surpasses the limits of the possible. Do not relax, and for those looking for inscription on the label that the drink contains no carbohydrates, because it is based on a sugar substitute. Questionable benefit from the use of such substitutes regularly and in large quantities while only investigated, but conflicting opinions already available.

Fact Four: chips fast food - a great appetizer. Of course, eating them with certain types of alcoholic products pleasant enough, but it should be weighed against their caloric content. Simply put, the identical dimensions portions of chips and chop the meat is almost similar in calories. All the girls, she feared for her figure, afraid of pasta. But ounce serving of pasta in its pure form, which will satisfy even a healthy man, and inferior calorific value in chips.

Fact Five: Pizza is the safest product of fast food. This has its own truth, as opposed to the same popular french fries, it is not exposed repeatedly boiled oil. Although the amount of nutrients that have been preserved in the product, which in most cases is made from semi-frozen enough doubtful.

Tags: product damage, the fact