Church in Fokino

Church in Fokino
 Fokino - is a small town 16 km from Bryansk, named after I. Fokin, a member of the revolutionary events. Most of the houses here were built by German prisoners who were able to make a variety of city architecture. The only church is located on the outskirts.
 About 11 years ago there was consecrated a church in honor of St. Andrew. Bookmark used for its foundation the old premises. Metropolitan of Smolensk gave capsule with the earth, which is specially brought from the Greek city of Patras, where there was a crucifixion of St. Andrew.

The church was built in the Russian style of the seventeenth century. Its creators say that place for prayer was built without any frills. To a single church in Fokino authorities failed to allocate money, so it is built by the parishioners of the future. At the same time inside the temple may be 400 people. As you can imagine, the temple is small enough and simple.

Effects caused by the lack of funding and human negligence, upset parishioners. Exposed to rain and the lack of a good drainage system affect the state of the church: rotting wooden structures, plaster crumbles. However, experts who claim that everything is in accordance with the rules.

Despite all the difficulties, the Orthodox Church is truly glad, where in a moment of despair or great joy you can always come and pray. Residents say the work Fokino abbot of the temple, which is established Sunday school. Now parents are not concerned about their children: they are always supervised.

Fokino - a wonderful example of how a small town can be transformed, and this does not need the government's decision. The desire to carry out long-held dream - to build a temple, united citizens. Visitors note that Fokino - a place with a harmonious combination of different architectures. White church in the Russian style of the seventeenth century dominates the local houses is the German spirit.

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