Exercise for Weight Loss hands

Exercise for Weight Loss hands
 Fat women often suffer from unsightly appearance of their hands. Significantly improve the situation will help special exercises. Train the muscles of the arms need daily to promptly achieve significant results for reducing the volume of the upper extremities.

Sit on the floor, hands folded in front of chest in prayer. On the exhale, squeeze the most palm, hold pressure for 10 seconds. On the inhale, relax your hands. Repeat at least 10 times.

Lie on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows, palms down on the floor under the shoulders. Inspiratory rise above the floor, forming all over the bar. Hold the weight by the hands and feet socks. Continue to stand in the position for at least a minute. Then exhale, drop to the floor.

Sit with your legs straighten the knees, hands down along the body, and put his hands behind his back. On the inhale lift your hips up, your body has regained the form of strips. On the exhale, bend your elbows, keeping the whole body in the same position. On the inhale again straighten your elbows. You get exercise, reminiscent of push-ups, only backwards. Make 15-20 approaches and sit on the floor.

Sit cross-legged, hands interlock behind the castle. On the inhale, raise your arms from behind as high as possible up. Hold the posture for 2 minutes. On the exhale, lower your arms down and relax them. Repeat 2 more times.

For the next exercise, you will need dumbbells. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hands with dumbbells pull in front of the chest. Inspiratory arms out to the side, revealing his chest as much as possible. Exhale again pinch hands together. Repeat 20-25 times.

Help you in reducing the volume of the hands and push-ups, boxing, swimming. Use every opportunity to include in their training, these methods additional load.

Tags: arm, exercise, weight loss