Diet Britney Spears

Diet Britney Spears
 Popular singer and mother of two Britney Spears is not always led a healthy lifestyle. It did not fail to affect its shape, and Britney had to make significant efforts to bring themselves into order. Evil tongues say that it's not been without intervention of a plastic surgeon, however, undoubtedly one: diet, which adheres Spears, apparently went to her advantage.

Diet Britney Spears has much in common with so popular among our compatriots "Kremlin" diet - it is also intended to limit the amount of carbohydrates in the diet in favor of proteins.

Daily menu for those who sit on this diet is as follows:

- For breakfast - 30-50 g of cheese, 4 egg yolks, a slice of rye bread (better - the dried, in the form of toast) and ½ tsp olive oil (it can be fried egg yolks).

- At lunch to eat 130-150 grams shrimp or other seafood meat, a slice of bread (the same as for breakfast) and 4-5 lettuce leaves, which can be cut and fill a teaspoon of low-fat mayonnaise.

- Lunch relies only one orange and 30-50 grams of cheese low fat.

- At dinner you can eat 150 grams of meat (veal or lean beef), a small portion of salad 1 tomato, greens and onions, seasoned with 1/2 tsp olive oil and a quarter cup of cooked beans.

Britney is trying to stick to a diet diet, in which carefully considered the ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It must be observed at every meal: breakfast, lunch and dinner should contain 30% protein, the same amount of fat (unsaturated, that is not to raise the level of cholesterol in the blood), and 40% carbohydrates.

Singer practically does not use butter, canned goods, potatoes, sugar and foods containing complex carbohydrates - confectionery and bakery products, sugary drinks, chocolate, pasta. Is strictly prohibited and once so she loved fast food. Basis menu Britney - soybeans in various kinds of meat and fish, vegetables and unsweetened fruit. Every day she drinks 2 liters of water. Food singer takes frequent (five or six times a day) and gradually.

Due to their diet Britney Spears fails for 2 weeks to lose 13-15 pounds. However, she is convinced that no motor activity any diet will not bring the desired effect. Also, when rapid weight loss skin may droop, if not build muscle. Britney therefore carefully observe the training regimen - five days a week access to the fitness center and, in addition, daily jogging suits and shakes the press at least 100 times.

Tags: diet, pounds, weight loss, Britney Spears