Such an interesting diet - Zone

Such an interesting diet - Zone
 Newfangled Zone diet has become hugely among American and French women who want to quickly get rid of extra pounds. Personal example of stars, including Demi Moore, Cindy Crawford, Celine Dion and even Brad Pitt with Alain Delon, works better than any advertising. "Eat more - and you will lose weight" - the motto of the creators is simply amazing.

The concept of diet was created by Dr. Barry Sears American. He came to a head elementary principle. When the body is in a favorable environment for themselves (zone), it is self-cleaning, and thus get rid of unnecessary weight.

To create this an ideal area in the daily diet should be balanced three major components: carbohydrates, proteins and vegetable fats. In this case, it is necessary to have small portions, but often enough. The main thing - it's control over the level of insulin, a substance that is responsible for the level of sugar in the body.

"Eat more - and you will lose weight," - said Sears. The diet is designed for ten days. Dieting area ensures freedom from two pounds after only five days.

1st day
For breakfast: scrambled eggs from 4 proteins with 1 tsp. Grated cheese on a small amount of vegetable oil. Cup of raisins, unsweetened coffee or tea, a couple of pieces of bread.
For lunch: salad of 200 g shrimp or crab 1 h. Spoon of mayonnaise.
At lunch: 50 g low-fat sour cream or yogurt.
For dinner: steak from 150 grams of beef with 1 tbsp. spoon lean cream, 1 tbsp. spoon onion, herbs and pepper. This allowed minced tomato puree and boiled white beans. Fire on any vegetable oil.
On the night of 50 grams of lean ham or turkey, 100 g strawberries or raspberries. You can add a handful of nuts.

Day 2
For breakfast: 50 g ham. Half a cup of oatmeal, pour a glass of non-carbonated mineral water, add 1 tbsp. spoon of almond. Tea or coffee (unsweetened).
For lunch: 170 grams of chicken or meat fry in vegetable oil. Tomato and lettuce. A piece of cheese. Half an apple and some nuts.
At lunch: broccoli, peas or green beans with butter and 150 grams of tofu.
For dinner: 150 g chicken or turkey can bake with lemon and onion. There ketchup. Garnish - spinach, drizzled with lemon juice and olive oil. 100 g strawberries.
On the night of 50 g low-fat cottage cheese, three olives, peach.

Day 3
For breakfast: fruit salad of any with a small amount of low-fat sour cream or cottage cheese, raisins and walnuts three. Unsweetened tea or coffee.
For lunch: menu from day one.
At lunch: 50 grams of cottage cheese with a cup of pineapple slices.
At dinner: baked in the oven white fish fillets, sprinkled with lemon and sprinkled with parmesan cheese. On a garnish - boiled green vegetables.
On the night of 50 g of cooked ham or turkey. Half a cup of raisins. A handful of nuts or dried apricots.

4th day
For breakfast: 50 g fried bacon. Low-fat cottage cheese with a small amount of berries and 1 tbsp. spoon of almond. Tea, coffee, sugar again.
For lunch: 150 g baked chicken. Salad with olives, mushrooms and celery with lemon and butter. Orange.
At lunch: 50 grams of cheese, half an apple.
For dinner: 150 g pork with mustard and baked apples. On a side dish of green vegetables.
At night: a glass of dry red wine. 50 g sour cream or yogurt.

Day 5
For breakfast: toast of black bread in butter with strawberries and grated almonds. Tea or coffee.
For lunch: 150 grams of boiled chicken with celery, tomatoes, lettuce and half an apple. Slice of black bread. Half a cup of raisins.
At lunch: mashed avocado and lemon. 50 g of bacon or ham. Half a cup of raisins.
For dinner: meatballs of 180 grams of beef, egg white, spoon ketchup and onions. Garnish Boil zucchini or broccoli. Half an apple.
On the night of 50 grams of ham. Cup of berries, three walnuts.

6th day
For breakfast: 150 g of ham with tomato. Slice of melon or watermelon. Tea or coffee.
For lunch: a sandwich with turkey, crab and bread with bran and 50 g of cheese. Half an orange.
At lunch: 100 grams of cottage cheese and half a cup of pineapple slices with a handful of almonds.
For dinner: turkey without skin, fried in vegetable oil. Green vegetables. Cup of berries.
On the night of 50 grams of ham, a cup of berries and three olives.

7th day
For breakfast: scrambled eggs from 4 to 50 grams of protein bacon. Piece of black bread. Polgreypfruta. Tea or coffee.
For lunch: pita with 150 g of cooked chicken, peppers, onions and avocados. Two plums or dried prunes.
At lunch: boiled egg, half an apple. A handful of almonds.
For dinner: 200 g salmon, baked with garlic and red pepper.
At night: a piece of chicken or ham.

The last three days, you can select the menu of one of the previous days. In the future, you can alternate the 15 days of the diet zone with 15 days free, but moderate power.

Tags: weight, diet, nutrition, area, weight loss, decreased