Mayo Clinic Diet

Mayo Clinic Diet
 The main rule of the Mayo Clinic diet is a balanced diet. Starve or go to extremes in the diet is not required. In addition, there are a number of nuances that you need to know to lose weight quickly using this method.

American nutritionists believe that people who lead not too active lifestyle, you can afford to about 2000 kcal per day. Those who want to lose weight quickly using this diet, it makes sense to limit yourself, reducing calorie menu to 1200 kcal. Damage to health in this case will not be.

It is possible to more accurately calculate, for this purpose, you can consult directly at the Mayo Clinic or in absentia. Specialists will calculate for you the amount of calories and build the so-called pyramid harmony. With it becomes clear what kind of foods you should eat and how much.

According to the Mayo system should eat as much fiber, ie fiber. This should be due to the fact that fiber is not absorbed by the body, it is not absorbed and simply passes through the digestive system. A person really need to eat cereals, bran, nuts and vegetables, as these foods are rich in fiber. Furthermore, they must be thoroughly chew, and it promotes rapid saturation, which is important because satiety is earlier. To work effectively fiber, drink more water.

Diet Mayo visually resembles a pyramid whose base are fruits and vegetables, there can be unlimited. Above are complex carbohydrates, complete this section of wholemeal bread, not polished rice, oatmeal without purification. A quarter of the daily diet should be protein and fat should be consumed even less. At the top of the pyramid is a small place for sweets, but with a certain limit - 75 kcal per day.

Diet Mayo encourages snacking, but it is better if they are in the form of fresh fruit or vegetables. With their help, it is easier to satisfy your hunger. Another good option considered snack yogurt or cheese, as well as nuts and dried fruits, but we must remember that in them a lot of calories.

Tags: diet, nutrition, pounds, weight loss clinic, Mayo