Baron Bartista diet

 This diet offers Bartist Baron in his book "Journey to the force."  

A little bit about Barone, he organized its direction in yoga. This yoga is more athletic, classes are held in a well-heated room where about 30 * C. The first 30 minutes are in a fairly rapid pace, where from one pose into the next. The next 30 minutes is basically stretching exercises on balance, abdominal exercises, and of 5 minutes of rest. During the class usually all very sweaty, but it is considered a very good sign, as with sweat out toxins.

We now turn to the diet. It is not even called a diet, it's just a way of life, where preference is given to healthy food, semi-finished products are excluded, canned food.

We excluded seven days caffeine, alcohol, sugar and dairy products, yogurt leave.

The first two days.
Immediately woke up, drink a large glass of warm water with half a lemon. You can add a spoonful of honey to sweeten it a little. This drink helps to wash our digestive tract and help clean breath.

Fresh fruit, freshly squeezed fruit juice, yogurt can be a little sprinkle fruit or yogurt almonds and you can drink as much tea as you want (without caffeine).

One serving of protein products (chicken breast, soy, fish), it can be steamed, baked in the oven, cook without adding oil. One serving of carbohydrates, such as brown rice (if you squeeze his hand in the cam, it is an exemplary portion of rice). Well, you can make yourself a salad of vegetables, restrictions on the portions is not here, eat a salad as much as you want. Season can be vinegar, lemon. Make it your biggest meal.

Fresh fruit or vegetables.

One serving of protein, one serving of carbohydrates, one serving of salad. Try to vary your diet. For dessert you can eat fresh fruit or baked.

Days third, fourth and fifth:
This unloading fruit days, it certainly sounds scary, but two days of moderate power, we have already reduced their diet and hunger, we should not be. We can have so many fruits, what we want. Need to be creative, do yourself a salad of different fruits or a cocktail made with fresh squeezed juices. Remember that avocado and tomato fruit, too, so you can make a salad or soup, such as tomato soup.

Sixth and seventh days:
We reiterate our diet for the first two days.

But after your diet is over, does not mean that you can return to indiscriminate eating.

Tags: diet, Baron