How to conduct an interview

How to conduct an interview
 Starting your own business, you should be prepared to interview and hire people. Learn it eventually falls and chiefs of organizations that prefer to choose the most suitable employees from candidates proposed by the personnel department.
 The interview should be conducted with each applicant individually. A situation where the employer collects in one room of 10-15 people and interrogates all at once, is unacceptable. Preparing for the interview, carefully read the summary of the applicant and portfolio review, if a potential employee has given it to you. In advance, make a list of questions that interest you. For example, if you do not understand some of the details of the applicant's biography or resume too briefly talked about the experience and education, it is necessary to ask a few clarifying questions.

Highlight the main character traits, knowledge and skills that will be needed new employee. Make a few questions that will help you understand whether the applicant will cope with the work, if you hire him. You can also play small scenes: for example, ask the applicant's consultant to convince you to buy a particular product.

Do not be late for an interview. In some companies practiced stressful interrogation, when an employee of the personnel department or the chief causes of the applicant to wait for it for 20-30 minutes, and then arranges the conversation instead of an interrogation, allowing himself to raise his voice and even offend a potential employee. Do not do this: so you can scare away a valuable candidate and ruin the reputation of the company.

Talk to the applicant kindly and calmly, that he did not feel uncomfortable. Ask him to tell briefly about yourself, your education and work experience. Ask why he wants to work in your organization, what skills, knowledge and skills have. At the same time, try to ask questions so that the applicant gave a detailed answer. Questions that can be answered yes or no, and issues-tips when the question has already laid answers are excluded.

Do not forget that the applicant at the interview and also evaluates you and your organization. Try to make a good impression and convince the candidate that the work you love him. Otherwise, you may miss a valuable employee.

Tags: interview, the employee