How not to miscalculate a travel agency

How not to miscalculate a travel agency
 Rest - this is what everyone always waiting. On the first day of vacation comes euphoria, happiness, and the last - sadness and waiting for a new release. That is why we whole year dreaming, planning, sharing with colleagues and friends their plans. And after the holiday brings to the team a good mood and mountain souvenir! Although sometimes vice versa - in a bad mood and depression. How Come? The thing is that today there is a lot of travel agents who know how to spoil the long-awaited vacation. Who has not heard about the tourist agencies one-day or not returned in time tourists? This can happen to anyone! That is why about the rest must not only dream, it must be carefully planned.

To avoid falling victim to "fake" travel agency, offer some practical advice:

1) Pay attention to the life of the company in the tourist market. If you liked the travel agency has more than five years, it's a good indicator. The fact that these offices have been able to prove itself, they have a good relationship with the tour operators. So, rest in the selected country has been practiced for the first time.

2) A huge role played by knowledge and experience of managers. The fact that the client can not absentia to visit the country and see what's what. Therefore, he has to trust the manager. To this end, among the major companies practiced experience departure of its employees to different resorts. This is done to ensure that workers travel agencies visited different hotels and resorts on yourself to feel comfort or discomfort, and then be able to give good advice to his client. You, as a customer, have the right to know whether the selected travel agency practices such tours for their employees. If not, then pay attention to how your manager is oriented in geography. It is also an important indicator.

3) Speaking of vacation with your friends, do not limit dreams and desires, share experiences. Keep in mind that one is not bad advise, unlike greedy tour operator. "Word of mouth" - this is the most successful way to pick up a good company.

4) Do not think that you are lucky enough, if you find a travel agency that offers "burning" vouchers at a discount of 20-30%. This does not mean that you're lucky. It is necessary to understand the system tour operators. After all, if your permit is relatively cheap, it means that the price is lowered due to the travel agency fees. Under such conditions one would not want to work. Therefore, buying a ticket, prepare for the worst. Also, do not think you go to heaven, if the price is much too high. Raised it, most likely, the manager, secretly from the tour operator, and you are offered the same conditions as in other firms, but the price is much higher. Despite the fact that it is illegal, is practiced frequently.

Tags: travel agency, vacation, travel agency