10 rules of successful dating

 Strange but true - increasingly complain of loneliness girl interesting, successful, held as a person. Attractive, intelligent young woman bitterly recognized that his career is on the rise, and with the personal life a complete failure. May find your soul mate prevent precisely the qualities that help in the business. Sober approach "better alone than with just anyone" makes impossible any casual acquaintances. Do not be too serious, because the familiar - it's very simple.

1. Do not look for the negative, where it is not. Cute guy in the subway looking at you, probably because you liked him. Do not even try to think about the option "I look awful, I drip makeup, I disheveled hair." Men it's just not paying attention. If a girl is nice - looking at her. If not nice - do not notice.

2. Are you afraid to do something because you are afraid to make a mistake. As a result, do not do anything at all. In fact, the only thing you have to do is to believe in your success. Instead pessimistic: "What if he does not want to meet with me? "- Cheerfully tell yourself:" It would be necessary to seduce him! "- And forward to the target.

3. Men are too shy! You even can not imagine how difficult dialogue is with his inner voice pretty colleague from another department. He persuades himself to approach you and come up with an original phrase to start a conversation. Understand his fears, and you will easily cope with their.

4. Before you give up dating because partner tasteless dressed, give him a chance to prove themselves in something else. Man can be very personal, and dress properly, you then teach it.

5. Rejoice itself and give pleasure to others. Radiant smile attracts more men than stern face or expression of perpetual discontent.

6. Do not hide your feelings, if you like. Do not be afraid to show him their interest. Striving struggling to look unassailable lead to the fact that no one dares to attack your fortress, and the party you go in splendid isolation.

7. Do you already know the age of five should look like the perfect man. The image of a prince on a white horse was formed in your mind clearly. It is also clear that you understand what this here's a real gentleman to your ideal is still to grow and grow. And maybe it's worth a closer look at it better?

8. Do not be shy. Do not respond to compliments objections that you're actually stupid and unattractive. And do not know how to dance, and sociable, but just drank too much. Commercials you convince a man, and he decides not to expend energy on getting to know you. If you do not value yourself, how to wait for it to others?

9. Well, it happened: he asked for your phone number. And then in the head sounds nasty voice: "What if he does not want me to call, and the phone asked for just being polite? ". And just in case you do not give your phone. Just for secure, because if he so very much want to see you, then find a way to make it through a friend. And he takes your response as a refusal to continue the relationship and leaves hurt. Oh, this novel is not held ...

10. Flirt failed? In the process of communication you found out that he is not quite the hero of your novel? This is not a reason to tear your relationship. Stay good friends. Perhaps, the hero of your novel - his classmate with whom he once accidentally introduce you.

Tags: male acquaintance