How to survive the separation with a man

How to survive the separation with a man
 Survive the separation from a loved one - not an easy task even for a strong and mature women. But to make this process faster and less painful it is possible, if you listen to some advice.
 Naturally, the parting with a beloved man is a woman crying. Do not hesitate to it and let yourself cry - it will help you get rid of the negative emotions and the accumulated grievances that you have for your chosen one who left.

Do not fall for the first time the natural desire to return your half. Do not try to explain to him that you - the best, and a woman he never met. Should not be involved in this process and your mutual friends - your man has made his choice. It's better if you try to understand the reasons for the break in relations, and if there is your fault, make the appropriate conclusions.

Do not torment yourself and remove anything that reminds you of your former loved one. Even if you are very dear to his gifts, hide them for a while - then, when your emotions subside, you are likely to again be able to wear jewelry or donated them to light candles in the shape of hearts that he will once presented.

Eliminate or Minimize contact with your ex lover. It is clear that the first time will make it very difficult, because you still think his close friend. But be a realist and do not seek meetings with them - they do not lead to the restoration of your union, but only add you suffering.

Try not to dwell on what happened and find for themselves a new occupation - sign up for ballroom dancing courses or start learning a foreign language, go get your hands on crafts or professions, which had long dreamed of. This will allow you not only to forget about the separation, but also increase your self-esteem.

As in any situation, even in your separation has its advantages. Find them - for example, now you do not need to listen to his advice about your makeup, you do not have to get up early in the morning, even on weekends to cook him breakfast, and you do not need anyone to explain why your phone was once disabled . Think of all the things that annoy you in your choices, and you will see that soon you will be much easier.

Tags: man