How to seduce a man

How to seduce a man
 Easily madden the stronger sex - a cherished dream of many women. And this does not necessarily have the parameters of a supermodel. To seduce a man, far more important to own some flirting techniques.
 Before a date take care of immaculate appearance. Everything has to be perfect: clothes on a figure, light makeup, shoes thin heel, perfect manicure and hairstyle, sensual perfume.

If your goal - a certain man, you should not be sprayed on the other. Aerobatics seduction - to achieve the first step is explicit on who you want. Imagine that you are a hunter, and your victim will fall as soon as you correctly set up a trap.

To provoke a man to take decisive action, address him a long look, a smile, a little touch of his hand with his fingertips. You can also create a situation in which he would help you, for example, to find the sunset under the table ring.

Note that more men excite women who seemingly inaccessible. Watch the speech and intonation. Nothing should issue your excitement flirting. Think about every sentence, and a small monologue about yourself, you can even prepare and rehearse at home. During the conversation, continue to send non-verbal signals - smiles and glances.

That between you establish a real rapport, try to copy the postures and gestures of your interlocutor. This psychological trick to help the emergence of sympathy between people. Emphasize the men on the sexiest parts of your body. These include hair, wrist, neck, chest, shoulders and legs.

Makes a man compliments. But try not to note something obvious, but a nice man for nuance. For example, it is not necessary to praise an expensive suit or a car, better tell that he has good taste, and he chooses a very beautiful and stylish things. Ask the man council - they very exciting woman's weakness.

And most importantly - try to get from this love game maximum pleasure. And even if you do not succeed, you gain experience, and the next time everything will be as it should!

Tags: man, game, flirting, seduction, seduction