Tighten the string: the origin and types of corset

Tighten the string: the origin and types of corset
 To opponents of the corset includes such well-known women like George Sand, Isadora Duncan and Coco Chanel. Once he plant a church and social etiquette, and then was abolished and almost forgotten, but rose again from the ashes and relevant today as ever.

The inverse image of a corset - a wide belt, which in ancient Rome and Greece over tighten the waist for sports, hunting or for the purpose of fastening elements of clothes and beauty, a standard which already was the presence of a thin waist. Later added the belt lacing, so it was easier to give the desired waist girth. Tying - an indispensable element of the corset, she was on the side, front or rear. Already in the 15th century Dutch paintings we see lush ladies in corsets, lifted breasts like two apples.

In the same period, the corset as a separate part of the women's restroom was widespread in France. Wooden or iron wedges sewn into a part of women's clothing and were intended to serve as a utjazhki abdomen and upper thighs, as in vogue clothing slim silhouette. Corsets were not afford a commoner and wore them only at the court.

In the 16th century Spanish church persecution of demonic female beauty and curvy shape. Hard iron corsets made the chest and abdomen of women absolutely flat. Thalia Spanish ladies after these executions in girth was often no more than 20 centimeters, and the wearing of the corset leads to disease and high mortality among women.

In the 17th century iron bars and wooden slats replaced easy and convenient whalebone, and before the French Revolution, along with corset skirt hoops holds a strong position in women's fashion.

But the French Revolution declared war on the whole bourgeois and pretentious, silhouette dresses becomes natural, and later the British in practical fashion introduced toilets with high waistline and corset back to eating only at the end of the 19th century, as part of a special glamor and luxury.

Distribution of bicycles at a time abolished the corset, and in the 90s of the 19th century there is a bra, but the corset was still in vogue, as part of the women's restroom for publication or in an artistic and bohemian environment. As early as the 20 th year of the 20th century women's fashion waives this subject as superfluous - a natural silhouette and soft jersey free are replacing tightened waist and lush skirts.

And yet, many female representatives have in her wardrobe corset, because he not only models the figure, helping to emphasize the charms and remove defects. Corset - an attribute of femininity and sexuality in men's eyes, it is designed for easy lacing their strong hands, as it was in the time of Catherine de Medici.
Today, distributed various types of corsets, each of which is used for certain purposes, and just glad its possessor.

Corset, as part of the underwear - erotic and seductive attribute. It can be delicate or bright colors, classic black, with arrangements under stockings, lace or satin. Nothing will fancy men as a woman in a slinky sexy her body corset.

Corset wedding and evening - a work of art, it is very fond of the famous fashion designer and stars.
As part of everyday costume - spicy and very feminine touch to a rigorous way. Worn under a jacket or a dress, skirts, trousers or jeans, lace hooks and replace the elastic tissue is taken and simple.

Corsets are also divided as the "Victorian" (corset under the breast, with poluchashechkami or full-length) and corset-belts, worn with skirts, dresses, blouses wide.

Tags: history, appearance, corset, origin