Children edible fantasy

Children edible fantasy
 Every parent knows poor appetite of her little child. Particularly acute reluctance to eat tasteless porridge or soup with onions in children as young as four - six years. Children are not sick, it is active, but there are not in any want. Where do they get the energy to its motor of-body? How to persuade fidget eat? The answer to these questions can be found by talking with children, learning their children's imagination.

The first piece of advice for adults who are struggling to feed their child: Show maximum patience, do not get angry at the child, if it makes unsuccessful attempts to eat on their own hands, draws spilled soup on the table. Remember, the main activity of the child - the game. Game for them - it is an imitation of what they see around them, because they perceive the world, acquire basic living skills.

That does not begin to have pea soup, and "soup with balls", not the soup with meatballs and "supik with balls", not to eat burgers, and "fly on a rocket", not "open your mouth" and "open the gates, car with cargo goes. " Here in this game style should begin as unwanted child dinner. No one better than their parents did not know the most interesting topic for a child to make the procedure of absorption of food in a fun event. Just do not forget in this process safety, that is, the game should be a relaxing rhythm, mostly verbal imagination, without moving games from the child.

Some children eat, going unloved foods, such as onions, carrots, etc. If you can not hide them in a dish, for example, onions can grate, frying it will take a very small size and become virtually invisible, or boil the whole thing and pull feeding, then you should give them a view of children, cut the figures out of carrots or beet. Not even eating them, the baby would not oppose their presence in the plate.

Older children can tell tasty tale about the benefits of certain products, where the main characters can be carrots, beets, onions, herbs, tomatoes, yes anything. Only it should not be such a long and lectures on the theme: "Calorie dinner", etc.

Another way to persuade a child to eat, give him the opportunity to participate in the preparation of dinner: resolve to wash vegetables, take away food, choose the form of pasta and even offer to cut potatoes (of course, under strict adult supervision). How delicious dinner prepared with their own hands, but if more and all diners mother to tell about it, yes prihvalivat soup!

If every time a children's portion turns into a funny picture, it becomes a delicious, raises not only the appetite, but also the mood of the baby. And if adults do not have enough imagination in the design of courses, it is necessary to ask a child, so he -That knows that sun-yellow eggs, must be rays of carrot, tomato mouth, eyes parsley. Want your child was sick - do not be lazy, take a dip into childhood.

Tags: child, appetite, food, children, look, fantasy, serving