How to organize an exhibition of ornamental flowers

How to organize an exhibition of ornamental flowers
 Flower Show - a very beautiful event. It may be small, organized by amateur growers or very status - for example, city, or even international. The scale of the event depends on the capabilities and plans of the organizers.
 Consider the concept of a future event. You can attract the participation of amateur gardeners, the companies involved in the sale of plants and gardening, private florists, schools of landscape design and other professionals associated with flowers. The exhibition can be confined to a certain event, such as the Day of the harvest, or the Day of the city.

Decide whether you will attract participants from other cities and countries. Send out press releases you are interested in the organization - large trading companies, clubs, associations florists. In advance, make a price list of future events. Set the cost of participation (stand rent), determine the price of the tickets.

Take care of the sponsors. Exhibition of flowers can attract city authorities, especially if you pay attention to landscaping. Partners of the event can become large firms selling plants, landscape bureau or flower shops. Be sure to attract media sponsors, they will provide the advertising event.

Find a suitable room. Trade shows can be held in specialized pavilions, palaces of culture and even in city parks. If you need a permit from the municipal authorities, get it in advance. Please note that the exhibition can attract a large number of unplanned participants - Consider the possibility of organizing additional seats for them.

Solve the issue with the equipment. You will need the booths or tables and shelves. Some participants may bring their own equipment. Order booklets and leaflets, as well as stretching and posters announcing the upcoming exhibition.

Consider additional measures. The exhibition can be organized seminars for professionals, workshops, competitions in various categories for participants and competitions for visitors. Typically, these measures do free - their costs compensated membership fees and ticket sales.

Set the hours and days of the exhibition. Typically, such an event timed to the weekend - these days attendance is much higher. Two to four days will be enough.

Engage in advertising promoting the upcoming event. Typically, these exhibitions attracted journalists from the local media. Send out a detailed version of the press releases. Arrange a free pass to all interested members of the press in return for a small announcement and follow-up report on the event.

Tags: business, organization, exhibition, flower