
 The word "marks" referred grade very thick silk fabric. Also soft colored leather obtained by the tanning of sheep and goat hides, which is also called "morocco". Brands owe their origin to the French word "maroquin", which translates as "Moroccan" and invention - the nomadic Berbers of the city of Marrakech. Initially, this material was used exclusively to create ...
 The word "marks" referred grade very thick silk fabric. Also soft colored leather obtained by the tanning of sheep and goat hides, which is also called "morocco".

Brands owe their origin to the French word "maroquin", which translates as "Moroccan" and invention - the nomadic Berbers of the city of Marrakech. Initially, this material was used solely for expensive book bindings. But after a few centuries, the area of ​​its application has expanded considerably. At present, the widely used brands fashion designers for upholstery home and office furniture premium.