
 Cloth - woolen fabric with a very tight weave and napped surface. Suknodelnoe craft already existed in the ancient world. From felting wool legs and primitive screw presses, through medieval factory production, formed modern technological processes of manufacturing cloth and woolen fabrics - drape, Cheviot and others. The wool for the manufacture of cloth should be after ...
 Cloth - woolen fabric with a very tight weave and napped surface. Suknodelnoe craft already existed in the ancient world. From felting wool legs and primitive screw presses, through medieval factory production, formed modern technological processes of manufacturing cloth and woolen fabrics - drape, Cheviot et al. For the manufacture of woolen cloth coat should after pre-treatment (washing, carding, scutching) retain the ability to stall. These properties are camel and merino wool. Woven wool fabric is treated in a fulling machine. After painting goes haircut on shearing machine. Followed by bastovanie (comb caught foreign particles), pressing and packing of the finished cloth.