
 Pearl - a unique pearly grains with silver shimmer. Formed in the shells of bivalve molluscs, pearl series. Pearls are "noble" natural pearls - sea and river, as well as artificially grown in the shells, but from foreign bodies. Cheap decorative pearls made of glass. Pearls ...
 Pearl - a unique pearly grains with silver shimmer. Formed in the shells of bivalve molluscs, pearl series. Pearls are "noble" natural pearls - sea and river, as well as artificially grown in the shells, but from foreign bodies. Cheap decorative pearls made of glass.
Pearls may have blue, pink, golden hue, may be black. Their value is determined by the beauty of the tide, the size (from 1 to 9 mm and above), the correct form. The most valuable - burmitskie, flat round shape. Oval and pear-shaped specimens are called baroque pearls. Pearls are widely used in the manufacture of jewelery and pearl embroidery.