
 Falbala - a word of French origin ("falbala" - frill). Decoration in the form of frills, serves to decorate the various items of clothing: cap, night shirts, dresses, skirts, underwear, etc. In addition falbaloy decorated and home furnishings: curtains, sofas, armchairs. The special distribution of this type of decoration was in the Middle Ages in Europe. Manufactured falbala ...
 Falbala - a word of French origin ("falbala" - frill). Decoration in the form of frills, serves to decorate the various items of clothing: cap, night shirts, dresses, skirts, underwear, etc. In addition falbaloy decorated and home furnishings: curtains, sofas, armchairs. The special distribution of this type of decoration was in the Middle Ages in Europe. Falbala was made of different materials: silk, satin, velvet, lace, etc. Currently, this term is not used practically.