Aromadieta: a new perfume for weight loss

 Girls who want to lose weight, does not become smaller, and lists diets and miracle cures are increasing every day. At this time, the novelty of their expanded cosmetics company Veld's - spirits slimming Prends Moi.

The creators claim that it is the first fragrance with a slimming effect, in its composition contains caffeine, carnitine and spirulina, which promote fat loss by activating enzymes. In addition, new perfume contains special materials that emit endorphins - due to them is reduced in humans hunger 75%. Also during the experiments it was found that 73% of participants after the tests new perfume completely forget about food.

No one can say for sure how these spirits will work, and whether or not at all, but more than 6,000 people in the UK are waiting for the appearance of this new product.

Aromadieta: a new perfume for weight loss