Magazine ELLE - media partner of the exhibition of costumes Cirque du Soleil

 ELLE magazine acted as informational partner of the unique cultural project - an exhibition of costumes "Dream Makers", jointly organized by Cirque du Soleil and the Cultural Foundation "Ekaterina". Opening Day will be held March 22, 2011, and from the next day, the exhibition will be available for visitors.

The exhibition "Dream Makers" will present costumes artists show the legendary Cirque du Soleil, beauty, sophistication and thoroughness of performance comparable to high-fashion items. The show does not only reveal the secrets of technical skill creation of costumes, but also to raise the veil of mystery on the production side.

"Creators of Dreams - a kind of homage and admiration that we give our masters costume. These are the people that make Cirque du Soleil for more than a quarter century, retains its uniqueness and magic. And today, they open the doors of their workshops for Moscow audience, "- says Sylvie François, the exhibition's curator and director of cultural initiatives Cirque du Soleil.

The exhibition includes familiar Moscow audiences suits VarekaiTM and CorteoTM - shows that have already come to Russia, as well as from SaltimbancoTM, touring in Russia which is scheduled for this fall.

Tickets available at the box office and Cultural Foundation "Ekaterina".
Additional information about Cirque du Soleil online


ELLE magazine published in 43 countries and monthly calls to more than 23 million readers worldwide. In Russia, ELLE magazine appeared in 1996 and was the first international fashion magazine in the Russian market. For many years ELLE occupies a leading position among women's glossy magazines in Russia, sales, and in the audience.
Circulation journal - 330 000 copies.
Audience editions - 730,940 people.