Fitness without varices

 If you are going to take a last couple of years and finally bought a subscription to a fitness club, try not to overwork. Self-sacrifice under the slogan "give three pounds of muscle in a month" or "losing weight for two size" may do more harm than good. From excessive loads, especially power, the first to suffer feet. If you have a family history of varicose disease, its precursors - vascular "mesh" on the legs - is surely obvious.  

So, before you start actively engaged in fitness, carefully consider the recommendations of doctors Phlebology. These simple rules will help you avoid varicose veins.

 Beginners should keep in mind: abrupt change of sedentary lifestyles on hyperactive could easily trigger varicose veins. Therefore, fitness classes to maintain a reasonable approach - gradually increase the load.

 If the coach saysThat to create a flawless figure exercises "with weights" you need, in the first month of training limited to the minimum weight, and then increase the number of repetitions of the exercise, rather than weight shells.

 Of all the types of training the safest for your feet is water aerobics: here the load is distributed evenly throughout the body.

 During training alternating anaerobic and strength exercises.

 The greatest care is required exercises simulator, giving the load on the calf muscles. Before you start them, you should consult with your doctor fitness club, but better - Complete computer diagnostics in phlebologist.

 Wearing during training of medical hosiery - Compression golf - a sure means of prevention of varicose veins. Even without such a fitness jersey is indispensable for those who have a tendency to expand the veins.

 Exercise weightlifting (For example, during the time of the "male" occupations - with a barbell) is performed in a sitting position or lying down, then the brunt will fall not on the tibia, and femur.

 Exercise Bike - The best friend of everyone who cares about the health of their feet. Be friends with him every day, for about half an hour. Higher "dose" of friendship can lead to complications relationship - any overload leg harmful. For those who are bored to pedal, the Americans invented spinning - training on a stationary bike for video support. On the screen you can see the changing landscape - it creates a sense of presence. It is desirable to overcome the imaginary steep slopes and winding trails accompanied by cardio.

 Step-aerobics could be replaced by walking up the stairs, which doctors recommend for the prevention of varicose veins.

 Taekwondo, Thai boxing, volleyball and football ... If you are serious about your health, such training in your fitness schedule means it should not. Martial arts and playing sports recognized by the medical profession most traumatic.

If you notice the first signs of varicose veins: leg swelling, pain, tread veins, seek medical advice immediately phlebologist ( Only a doctor with a special ultrasound diagnosis veins can properly establish the diagnosis even in the earliest stages of the disease.

 Ultrasound examination - Doppler - takes less than five minutes and does not cause absolutely no discomfort. If that is not enough, your doctor will conduct duplex scanning - it will help to determine the degree of damage and determine a rational treatment strategy.

Modern treatment of varicose veins will stop the disease at the beginning, saving not only health but also the beauty of the feet. These words reflect the true potential of modern Phlebology.

Tags: varicosity