How to wear skirts

How to wear skirts
 Skirt - is synonymous with femininity. In skirt girl looks much more elegant than in the pants. But wearing this article of clothing - a science. The same skirt will look at some women stylish and beautiful, but on the other - all accentuate figure flaws.
 The main thing - to find "his" skirt, it is the model that will be perfect for you to sit and help to feel charming.

In addition, it is important to create a harmonious whole set, taking into account all the subtleties and nuances.

With short legs, but slender hips can afford tight skirt length above mid-calf. Elegant shoes on heels complement the image.

If the legs are long, but too thin, tight skirts is better not to abuse it. There will be appropriate lush skirt below mid-calf.

Owners of full feet in good shape with thin ankles can put on a line, just adjacent mid-length skirt. You can let a small incision on the side. In this case, would be relevant sweater or blouse of sufficient length, worn over a skirt.

If the ankle ugly forms, do not try to hide their excessive length skirt. It is better to compensate for this lack well-chosen elegant shoes, the right color tights and original accessories, distracting.

Mini skirts are only girls with perfect knees and shapely legs. Very thin or overweight women will look gaudy. Pleated short skirts are ideal for narrow hips. Miniskirt well with leggings and tight pantyhose. The top can be any as shoes.

Emphasize the beautiful curve of the hips and slim legs help traditional pencil skirt. Such a model should be close-fitting thigh and slightly tapered bottom. Classical length of this skirt - two fingers below the knee. It should be remembered that this style is unprofitable present figure with heavy or, on the contrary, very narrow hips, as emphasize the discrepancy proportions. Optimal companion pencil skirts - blouse with voluminous sleeves and collar. The lower part of blouses must be tucked under your belt. You can emphasize the waist wide belt. By the pencil skirt is necessary to select only elegant dress shoes with heels.

Tulip skirt is designed for women with narrow hips. It emphasizes the transition from the waist to the hips and increases the volume of the latter. Such a model is usually visually reduces growth because of the low will be controversial option. In addition, the tulip skirt visually shortens feet, so should be worn only with heels. The upper part of the suit in this case should not be bulky; better that it is completely fitting shape.

The skirt has a plastic-year line and extends downward. This skirt can be a spectacular one for the evening, if there is a maximum length and is combined with high-heeled shoes. Due to the curved lines, such a model can make a woman more slender. She gently pull and balance the proportions even with full hips. The perfect complement to this skirt blouse or jacket will be up to the thigh.

Flared skirt - the most versatile style, it fit and full of women and ladies with a boyish figure. Most female figures goes skirt trapezoid. Traditional its length - the knee. Uzkobedrym such women skirt will make the figure more feminine, while the broad hips hide unwanted pounds. Trapeze skirts combined with blouses, shirts, tops, jackets, coats. The brighter and more spectacular bottom, the more modest and concise should be top and vice versa.

Tags: clothes, skirt, a combination of