How to combine colors

How to combine colors
 If you want to look modern, stylish and fashionable man, one of the most important skills in the choice of clothing is the ability to combine colors. Not every color is beautiful and harmonious look with the other. And sometimes, on the contrary, it would seem quite incongruous can perfectly complement and fit together in such a way that you do not just want to experiment, but will be a great desire to always follow the letter of style and fashion.
 Very often, you may find that a particular expressed color does not suit you. You look defiant or, conversely, faded. But the shades of this color, especially in combination with attractive accessories and accents can tune completely different colors and make your appearance more attractive.

We can not say about any color, it is more effect. If you rely on a calendar designed by stylists, there are several types of appearance: winter, fall, spring and summer. Spring and autumn prefer warm colors on yellow - green, yellow, gold, orange. Summer and winter - cold blue tones on the basis of: blue, dark blue, gray, pink. Spring and summer - it's easy, laid-back clothing color and overall image. In turn, winter and autumn require saturated colors.

Of course, such a division by type of season very approximate and conditional. One and the same color can have warm and cool shades, look in the daytime and evening dress quite differently. Stylists are advised not to combine into a single image cold and warm tones. It is not recommended to dress completely in dark colors - because you will look dark and unattractive.

If you choose black - as the main, it is necessary to make a bright accent in accessories to emphasize your benefits, highlight the attractiveness of the eyes, hair styles, shapes, thin waist, or, conversely, hide flaws. It is advisable not to overdo it with the number of different colors in one image. Considered stylish to combine no more than two to four tones.

The colors should be the same brightness and saturation, be sure to go well with each other. Black and white can be combined with any other color. Excellent to each other can be combined pastels. These rules can take into account not only the choice of clothes, but also in creating a unique design of the atmosphere in the room, apartment or garden plot.

Tags: clothing, color,