Useful properties of sorrel and its application

Useful properties of sorrel and its application
 Most often, sorrel is used in cooking. But thanks to its unique composition, it can be successfully used in folk and traditional medicine, as has been known for many centuries ago.  

Useful sorrel properties due to the fact that it contains vitamins C, PP, B1, B2, β-carotene, essential oils and organic acids, and minerals such as magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sodium. With this structure, it improves iron absorption by the body, which has a positive effect on the level of hemoglobin. Also, it is useful and vitamin deficiency.

For medicinal purposes are used all parts of the plant. So, for example, sorrel leaves and fruits have anti-inflammatory and antiscorbutic action, increases bile formation, and a decoction of the roots and leaves is used as a hemostatic and anti-allergic agent with rashes on the skin. Broth are added to the baths and sorrel, e.g., in the treatment of cystitis and comminuted fresh leaves sorrel applied to ulcers, wounds and burns.

Since the infusion of the leaves of the plant has a therapeutic effect when bleeding gums and loosened, it is used for rinsing the oral cavity, moreover, for the strengthening of gums using a powder made from the roots of sorrel.

Schevel also used for rheumatism and back pain, to improve liver function, stimulate digestion, colitis and enterocolitis, as well as anal fissures. In small doses, it is used as a fixing agent, and in large quantities as a laxative.

However, despite the many useful properties of a given culture, sorrel can not be used too often, as it can cause the formation of kidney stones. In addition, it is contraindicated in pregnant women, people with high acidity, in violation of salt metabolism, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, in the period of acute inflammatory processes in the intestine or kidney.

Tags: property, sorrel, broth, use