The Japanese diet

The Japanese diet
 It is believed that the Japanese diet developed by the Japanese specifically for patients one cosmetic clinic, and it is aimed at the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, which can significantly reduce the weight.

Japanese experts say that after two weeks of dieting completely normal metabolism, and if then adhere to proper nutrition, "gone" kilos will never return. Weight loss promise very substantial - up to 7kg.

The Japanese diet includes strict adherence to the proposed diet for two weeks. All dishes are prepared without the use of salt and sugar, alcohol is completely eliminated. During the diet should drink daily at least one and a half liters of fluid: mineral water without gas, coffee, Japanese green tea.

As with any other diet, you must comply with the rule: a gradual entry into the diet and gradual exit. That is not to be tightly cram the night before, on the eve of the hungry days, and it is not necessary to arrange a holiday feast with abundant about the end of "hunger strike". In fact, if you do the usual thing - rejection of the breakfast, the diet is not so poor.

It is permissible to eat eggs, boiled and fried fish, boiled beef, lots of vegetables and fruits. Strictly observe the sequence of the main dishes. As for the morning coffee, it is strictly necessary, but it is better not to drink the same instant, and cook fragrant ground. As the vegetable oil is better to use olive or sesame.

Oriental doctors are well versed in the secrets of the subconscious, so a positive attitude is an integral part of the diet. During her tune in to a positive result, weighed twice a day: even lost 400g raise your spirits and allow you to avoid disruption. Replace European plug Japanese chopsticks, it will allow you to eat more slowly. Chew.

If you have decided that the Japanese diet is right for you, remember the main thing - moderation: do not stick to the diet for more than two weeks and use it more than twice a year. While full resolved products, it is still observed lack of complex carbohydrate, and at the same lack of essential trace elements such as potassium, iron, calcium, folic acid.

Tags: weight, diet