Diet Sofia Rotaru

Diet Sofia Rotaru
 Sofia Rotaru name as the author of a diet for weight correction - the best, because a famous singer many years shines on stage and looks great at the same time.

Diet Sofia Rotaru refers to mono-diet. Such diets are quite effective, but for the body heavy, so it is desirable to pre-consult with your doctor. The doctor also may recommend vitamin and mineral complex for this time, so that the body is still getting enough nutrients.

Sofia Rotaru diet designed for 9 days, you can lose from 4 to 7 kilograms. Divided on the three-day diet to alleviate stress on the body and diversify food.

If you have such an opportunity, prepare the body to diet in advance. A few days before its start, limit the consumption of alcohol, soft drinks, smoking, fatty, starchy foods. Let the gastrointestinal tract and liver relax a bit.

In the first three days, you can have only boiled rice. Without salt and spices. As to any mono-diet, portion size can not be limited, but it would be better if you eat little but often - as soon as you feel hungry.

The next three days diet should consist of vegetables. They can be absolutely any form: stewed, boiled or raw. The basic rule - still without salt and various spices.

In the past three days, switch to fruit. The same rule - absolutely any, but only fruit. You can even have bananas, which are often excluded in many other diets.

During the nine days you need to drink plenty of water - mineral or without gas, or melt. Such water is considered the most clean and healthy for the body. Prepare it simple: a plastic bottle or a sturdy bag pour bottled or filtered water and place in the freezer. Pour need not the top, leaving a little space in the container. When the water is frozen,, thaw at room temperature.

Diet Sofia Rotaru also applies to low-calorie, so to renew it more recommended 9 days impossible. Return to this diet to maintain itself in the form can be every 3-4 months. And, of course, coming from the diet have to limit yourself to a few of the most harmful for the figure products, not to gain back those pounds that managed to lose.

Tags: diet, Sofia Rotaru