Diet for Dates: how to return the form

Diet for Dates: how to return the form
 The date diet - it monodiet implying the use of one type of food in a certain period of time. One would be so tough? After dates - this is not oatmeal and germinated rice or other such tasteless, dates very pleasant, they are very sweet and delicious! Many are willing to declare that they are ready to eat them for days on end, but in fact it turns out that it's not that easy.

The thing is, that dates a lot of sugar. In dried dates is to seventy percent sugar - many times more than in any fruit. Very tasty to eat a couple or even a dozen dates for tea, but their constant eating, and eating alone dates psychologically impossible - on the second day just do not climb. That is why the diet lasts only ten days.

The scheme is very simple diet - the first five days you eat nothing but dates, and only drink unsweetened tea or juices. After five days, the next five days, you can have some fruit in the afternoon - always fresh, drink fruit fresh, and in no case do not drink nectars and juices made from concentrates. Tea you can drink almost any desirable green tea - it is a positive impact on your health. The main thing - do not eat sugar, and it is unlikely it will be possible, "the sweet life" for dates you will be more than enough.

"But do not look fat sugar? "- You ask, and you will be absolutely right. Average sugar promotes the deposition of fat mass, but in Phoenicia sugar presented glucose and fructose - natural sweeteners instead of sucrose, which is obtained by artificial means, so that you can absolutely not worry about it. Glucose and fructose are very useful for brain and blood vessels, so feel free to write to the treasury of the advantages of this diet and what you are ahead of the schedule of consumption of substances that are useful to your body.

During the diet does not limit the use of dates, try to use as much of the liquid, and you are proud to go through this ordeal.

Tags: diet