Masks of the clay in the green house conditions

Masks of the clay in the green house conditions
 Green Clay - one of the miraculous natural remedies. Masks with this kind of clay for the face, body and hair is surprisingly effective action. In combination with vegetable oils and decoctions of herbs - a great option to keep youth and beauty.
 The composition of natural mineral substances - green clay - includes many useful trace elements: calcium, manganese, zinc and silver. Because of this, it serves as an excellent base for masks, strengthens hair, nails and skin. Also it can be used for mild exfoliation, which is important for aging skin.

Mask of green clay regulates the sebaceous glands, narrow pores, improves blood circulation, make the skin softer. It can be used to relieve swelling, skin cell regeneration, improve metabolism, eliminate blackheads (comedones). Such masks cause blood flow to the skin, which promotes cell renewal and rejuvenation, eliminate dandruff and restore hair structure.

Anti-aging mask has a good effect of pure green clay. Dissolve a tablespoon of clay with water to liquid sour cream. Rub the mixture into the skin, massaging gently. For very dry skin, it is recommended to breed clay was not water, sour cream, cream, vegetable oil. After 10 minutes, wash off the mask to, put the cream on the face corresponding to the type of skin.

To cleanse the skin, mix a tablespoon of oatmeal with two tablespoons of clay and three or four tablespoons of water. Apply the product on the face, leave it for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Dry, aging skin excellent impact will mask with clay and jojoba oil - in a ratio of 2: 1. Hold it on the face for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. Moreover, the essential oil can be selected individually depending on the type and condition of the skin, the problems and age. You can take the almond oil, grape seed oil or apricot.

To strengthen the hair and get rid of dandruff, you should use a mask of green clay and egg yolk. Dissolve the ingredients with water and rub into the scalp. Head is better to keep warm, for example, wrap a towel. Then wash the mask of hair and treat them balm. For such masks can use apple cider vinegar, yogurt.

The main advantage of green clay is that it has no contraindications to use. And, then, absolutely every woman can use this tool to fight for their own beauty.

Tags: House pets, the condition mask, clay, properties, and applications