Oatmeal from Coco Chanel

Oatmeal from Coco Chanel
 Morning, breakfast, baby, oatmeal, a loud "I do not want! ". Many will recognize this as a child himself and sympathize. Him? Yourself? Lucky are those who from an early age to love oatmeal. And they had to suffer and suffer to those who could not tolerate. It is very difficult to force myself to eat a dish hated when he protests against this organism. From the legendary Coco Chanel got the recipe appetizing oatmeal, which happily agreed to eat even the most capricious children, not to mention the spoiled adults.

Even from an early age children begin to accustom to oatmeal. Parents say that it is useful, afraid that if you do not eat it, it will remain small and weak. And just as adults, most can appreciate this dish is appreciated.

Oatmeal is useful not only for health but also for beauty. It contains large amounts of vitamin H, which has a significant effect on the metabolism of proteins, amino acids and cholesterol, and even this vitamin is very good for your skin. Also in oats contain an enzyme that promotes the absorption of fat by the body that will definitely help to improve the silhouette, and the mucus that forms during cooking, bring toxins and protects the gastric mucosa. But still too carried away eating oatmeal is not necessary.

As in all things, moderation is important here, because oatmeal contains phytic acid. It slows down the process of intestinal absorption of calcium, so it is less absorbed by the body, and calcium is still useful to us for the beauty of nails and teeth. With this simple dish can get rid of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and recharge your batteries for the day.

Oddly enough, oatmeal can be a real treat for gourmets. To prepare the "fashionable" porridge need one cup of oatmeal, half a cup of cream or evaporated milk, salt, sugar, cinnamon, walnuts, pear and mint leaves. Oatmeal boiled in salted water, give them a couple of minutes rolling boil, add the condensed milk or cream and boil again briefly. The finished dish is decorated with cinnamon, sliced ​​pear and mint leaves.

With this recipe associated sad story from the life of Chanel. When her friend - Walter Schellenberg - died of cancer in Switzerland, Coco genuinely touching and cared for him, cook for him delicious, though, as she herself acknowledged, did not know how to cook.

It is unlikely that oatmeal can be called from Chanel diet, because it is composed of cream, but they help with gastritis, duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer, are good for the prevention of atherosclerosis and normalize the nervous system.

Tags: porridge, use, composition, coco