How not to get sick on vacation

How not to get sick on vacation
 Holiday spent away from home, leaving a lot of emotions and memories. However, acclimatization can ruin it. Changing the time zone and unusual food weaken the body's defenses, resulting in beach holiday can end hospital bed.

The first test that awaits you upon arrival in another country - a change of time zone. Even slight deviations from the normal rhythm of life can undermine the immune system and impair health. To avoid negative manifestations, try to get some sleep before flights and immediately after it. Do not start the first day of vacation with an extensive cultural program. This can cause burnout and already tired of the body and cause disease.

One of the most common causes of illness on vacation - unusual food. Someone stomach refuses to accept acute and fatty foods, someone is trying to try all the exotic dishes. Consequence is a digestive disorder. Meet with local cuisine gradually, do not experiment with a lot of unfamiliar products. Drink plenty of fluids, and preference was given bottled water. Precautions try unfamiliar fruit, wash them thoroughly before eating.

In some countries there is a risk of exotic diseases to pick with whom you would never have met at home. Therefore, before traveling, it is desirable to find out what infections are typical for the country, and to be vaccinated from the worst of them. Especially dangerous typhoid fever, malaria, cholera, yellow fever. But even if you are vaccinated, you should follow the simple precautions possible to eat only those foods that have undergone heat treatment, wash their hands, do not ignore even the slightest discomfort. Many exotic disease initially occur as usual SARS, and to cope with them without any consequences for the organism can only be timely begun treatment.

Treat closely to the slightest damage to the skin, especially if the wound appeared as a result of an insect bite. In that case, it is desirable to have a first-aid road antibacterial ointment. Because of the climate, any scratch can become inflamed, so it is important to take timely preventive measures.

Tags: vacation, traveling, country, vacation, precaution, acclimatization