How dangerous flu

How dangerous flu
 Flu, picked up the virus by airborne droplets, can be almost any time of year, but it often happens in autumn and winter, when the immunity of the person is most vulnerable. In fact, the disease is dangerous and can cause a number of serious complications.
 The flu virus is easily transmitted. The most common way of transmission to humans - airborne. It is also possible and household transmission through everyday objects. Sneezing, coughing and talking their nasal virus carrier particles emitted mucus, saliva and sputum with pathogenic microflora, influenza viruses as well. Around the flu a zone with a high concentration of aerosol particles. Duration dissipation does not exceed three meters.

The influenza virus during replication in the respiratory tract contributes to damage to the ciliated epithelium, whose main function is to clean the respiratory tract by bacteria and dust. With the destruction of the epithelium tissue is not able to fulfill their protective function to the full, so the bacteria easily penetrate the lung tissue. There is a risk of bacterial infection.

In connection with this rather serious and common complication of influenza is pneumonia (lung inflammation) and bacterial infections caused by secondary (Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae or Staphylococcus aureus). Less common co-infection (bacterial and viral pneumonia, which is characterized by a high mortality rate).

After suffering flu can develop myositis - muscular complications that occur more frequently in children and expressed in severe pain in the muscles for a few days. Also occurs myoglobinuria - increased amount of myoglobin in the urine, which can lead to severe impairment of renal function.

In the elderly are more common complications of the cardiovascular system. May develop pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardium and heart muscle, which subsequently leads to heart failure) and myocarditis. In newborns after suffering flu can develop otitis. In severe otitis media in infants may experience symptoms meningizma: tilting the head, vomiting, tension in the legs and arms, bulging fontanelle.

Many people who become ill with the flu, occurs aggravation of various chronic diseases: chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and others. There may be complications affecting the nervous system. They appear as encephalitis, meningitis, sciatica, neuralgia and polyneuritis.

To avoid these complications, enjoy a timely prevention of flu, do not forget about vaccination, which should be done annually. If the disease is not obols your side, do not forget about bedrest, excessive drinking, high-quality food, frequent airing the room and, of course, drugs given by your doctor.

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