As part beautifully with a man

As part beautifully with a man
 Tighten the separation is not necessary, if your relationship is a long time at an impasse and have no development. The decision on the break can take both, then everything will be no extra tears and scandals. There are also unexpected separation and divorce, this happens when someone decides to commit adultery or as a result of a quarrel. In any case, you should try to keep only good memories of the person and go without mutual insults.
 If you decide not to continue your relationship with a man, keep the strength and dignity to leave nicely. Do not write on the break in a text message, do not know where people will be when it will get, and how it will affect him. In the heat of passion your ex can make mistakes, for which you are responsible.

Do not disappear suddenly change my phone number and place of residence. Have mercy feelings even close to you, explain why the care and talk heart to heart. Understanding of their own and other people's mistakes will help you in building new relationships. Do not tell lies, ostensibly for a man to be spared you. Does not detract from its merits as a representative of a strong half of mankind.

You can set up a meeting in a public place, if you are afraid of his aggression. Speak calmly and reasonably, praise a man, it is not necessary to develop it complexes. Do not ask her friends and friends for you to declare a former break - it's cruel!

If the decision about the separation took a man, do not beg him, do not cling to his clothes in an attempt to keep it. Of course, it is difficult to overcome the pain and hurt, but you will cry after his departure. Ask him to explain the reasons for this decision, but do not start thermoformed discuss and condemn his words. This is a bitter lesson that you have in life, but you are entitled to use it to further prevent such deplorable results.

It is undesirable to have sex, have already decided to break - it will complicate your future relationships. It may be an illusion, that it is still possible to return, relations will improve and will develop further. It happens, but rarely, and another broken dream can become the last straw that overflowed the cup of your restraint, and you fall into depression. Going, going!

Sometimes you have to resort to the help of law enforcement agencies to get rid of the persecution of the former lover who watches you around the house, pursues pesters calls and messages.

Tags: man, divorce, separation, persecution