How to overcome the crisis in relations

How to overcome the crisis in relations
 Throughout family life husband and wife lurks several periods of crisis. Without them just insanely loving each other people who do not notice anything else around. Such relationships - are the exception rather than the rule, so couples should pay attention to the dangerous landmarks, which are calculated by psychologists.
 The first crisis manifests itself in the first months of life together, when you are just starting to live together and adapt to one another in the home. Still continuing period of love, so your feelings overcome little things in life. Refers to the situation with humor and understanding that your spouse used to the way of my mother's and sometimes lost. Lay the foundations for smooth relations in life right now - ask your partner what should be firm, but that does not matter. For example, he does not tolerate dirty dishes in the sink and the unmade bed, and you - his socks under his pillow and unclosed tube of toothpaste. Start gradually change their habits and understand that you feel better without this most dishes and sock.

Usually anything critical of you and do not need - only love and understanding! These two tools are functioning properly in the event of any crisis in the relationship, and even if used consistently can prevent it.

If you notice a sudden, that annoys you it flicker in the apartment, the sound of his voice, his gestures, I want to go, aimlessly and never come back, so the crisis still come into your family life. Most likely, the spouse at this time does not feel better than yours. Both of you have reached middle age and began to overestimate the value - it seems that everything that you wanted, and then sought, vanity of vanities. The couple begin to frantically look for new, true ideals.

The most common mistake - to experience everything that happens alone and afraid to open your loved one. Both of you have changed, so show each other your interests and new facets of the personality. This is only a plus to you - you do not stand in place, your brain works. Talk privately, without being distracted by external stimuli, Open your heart to a friend, open your heart! It does not matter if you can help in this bottle of good wine flavored. You will hear in response to a confession of your favorite and you will understand what went one way, in one direction - together.

Learn to hear a loved one, to understand it, to love the way he is, and how was the process of your life together. Overcoming such crises in the relationship, it is possible to begin to love even more, to make life brighter return enthusiasm of youth! Try to enjoy before reaching the goal, and the process of achieving it. For example, you and your spouse have decided to cash in on their homes and for this work day and night. When a few years, you will find it, then both will no doubt welcome. But these years ?! Have you noticed that they passed. Your main goal - to live and feel every moment of your life! Decorate these moments of love for native people, and crises of all kinds pass by your house.

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