How to wear a scarf stylishly

How to wear a scarf stylishly
 In the wardrobe of every woman necessarily have a scarf and its variants. This item of clothing was originally designed to warm up from the cold its possessor. Over time, stylists and designers, and do ladies realize that the scarf can be an indispensable and attractive accessory that gives a complete image and indicates the presence of style.
 Scarves and scarves today there is so much that the ladies can afford to have in your wardrobe is not only suitable in color, but also in design, texture and density of the tissue. Scarves can be worn around the neck, tying them into an intricate knot. You can throw over your shoulder or to pull a rocker on the chest. Large scarves - stoles - can be worn on the shoulders and beauty, and for a sense of warmth and coziness.

The easiest and most stylish option - wear a scarf around his neck, one loose end to tie a knot around the other end around the middle. The height of the assembly can be adjusted by tightening or moving. If this scarf is light and color, with an attractive fine pattern, by a monochromatic clothes he will fit perfectly.

Another option - a scarf folded in half, leans against the front to the neck, the two ends are displayed behind his back. There ends of the scarf bound in a simple single node and output forward. And then you can dream up, either leave the ends hang freely, or to impose one on top of another and stab sparkling brooch or tie a second knot and hide under the upper part of the scarf.

If a scarf or neckerchief short, you can tie a small knot at the neck side, straighten the ends in the form of a beautiful flower or draperies, cover assembly, or vice versa, decorating node prisborennoe cloth scarf end. Too long scarf tied at least in style. It is enough to fold it in half, and wrap around your neck in the noose on the one hand to stretch the two free ends of the scarf and tighten. Option simple but quite stylish.

Scarf can be worn not only on the neck, but also as an elegant belt at the waist, a bandana on his head and the bracelet on his arm. If you decorate scarf brooch, your image will be more delicate and feminine. Sometimes it is possible to link two scarf and contrasting colors - it will be no less stylish, especially when combined with a monochromatic clothing.

Tags: scarf