How to choose a handbag

How to choose a handbag
 Handbag - this is an indispensable attribute of any fashionista. It is a stylish accessory that complements and completes the whole ensemble. But how to choose among the variety of one single, ideal in all respects? Let's try it!

The first thing you need to do is to determine the tasks. Choosing a bag, you should understand why you choose it. Think about where you will use it, whether it will exit bag, for business meetings, casual, road or beach.

 When buying, consider his age category. Do not choose bags that do not fit you age. After all, youth bags are usually bright, with lots of pictures. They have a completely different design and the materials from which they are made. Young ladies prefer and textiles, as opposed to the older generation that chooses the classic leather handbags.

 Bag and shoes - a single tandem to break that is not recommended. Therefore, try to trim bag for shoes. Suppose you have a wardrobe of red patent leather shoes, and it is desirable that was lacquered red handbag. In the texture of the material may be differences. But here's the color scheme should be strictly uniform.

 If you choose to exit bag, note the neat little bag. They fit all the essentials. They are called the clutch, from the English word clutch - bow, miss. Handbag got its name because it is easy to grasp the hand.

 What to choose leather or imitation leather? Today it is possible to find a great bag of artificial leather or suede. In some cases, the leather is difficult to distinguish from genuine leather, as it is close thereto. Good artificial leather less wrinkled and stretched. Another plus leatherette - it is much cheaper than leather. By the way, to determine the smell of the naturalness of the material useless. Because of the good leatherette includes leather baby, which gives the artificial leather bag natural smell. But low-quality imitation leather has a chemical smell with a hint of petrol.

 In the store, buying bags, carefully inspect it. Lines should be smooth, thread - durable. This bag will not break even under severe stress. Take a look at the seams. In qualitative bag thread of the seams can not hang around.

 In a good bag all sections are usually hidden inside. If you try, you may be able to find unclosed pieces from the wrong side. Examine them, if you see there is a thread or fabric base, no doubt, this bag made of synthetic leather. And if the bag hangs a small piece made of the same material as a sign of quality leather handbags.

 Despite the fact that the bag is made of artificial leather can be very beautiful and stylish in its acquisition there is a certain risk. From low temperatures, such as in the winter, it may appear on the cracks, especially at the bend, on the handles. High-quality leatherette able to endure the harsh Russian winter. Because the bag made of artificial leather is not so bad. If we take into account their low cost, these bags can be purchased completely. By the way, if a substitute is good, then a couple of seasons he will be worn. And then fashion still change. Then you can safely go for a new bag without sparing that spent a large sum of money.

 Do not forget to examine the lining. It should be evenly stitched and well attached to the bag. For lining are best light and durable synthetic materials (nylon, nylon). If you want a lining made of natural fabrics, choose silk.

 Pay attention to the handles and strap. Attached they should be simple, fast and reliable.

 Accessories also should get their attention. Check out all the zippers, buttons and hooks. All fasteners must be made of metal. When choosing a look at their coverage. If it is uneven, and the bag is of poor quality.

On criteria for the correct choice of handbag can talk endlessly. It is important to remember the most important thing - bag should not be seen separately from you. Bag - is an integral part of your image, and correctly complete the image is very important.

Tags: choice advice