How did capoeira

How did capoeira
 Capoeira - a Brazilian national martial arts with dance elements, born hundreds of years ago. Modern capoeira is rarely used for combat purposes, rather, it is a spectacular acrobatic show in the national musical rhythms.
 Most capoeiristas believe that this dance-fight was invented in Brazil, where the Portuguese brought black slaves from their African colonies. Due to abuse of the slave-owners of slaves fled to the jungle, where African culture met with Indian. Runaway slaves formed a loose settlements - "kilombush." In these towns and formed of free capoeira as a martial art indigenous enriched combat traditions of African tribes. After some time, Brazilian authorities have banned capoeira. Slaves had to disguise his martial arts under the dance.

A century later, the country was declared a republic, slavery was abolished. Capoeira settlement of former slaves moved to the city and has evolved from a purely African art in the heritage of the whole local population. For many of the poor she served as a criminal weapon for survival. As a result, the identification of this dance started with something illegal, capoeira was declared a social disease. In the early 19th century, a decree was issued for the Suppression of capoeiristas.

But the African martial art has not disappeared. Widespread it has received in the port cities, where it is constantly happening cluster of sailors and soldiers, mercenaries from different countries. Thanks to the numerous fights, technology enriched capoeira blows and movements of martial arts in other countries. Capoeiristas started to use sticks and blades.

The true art of dance battle was hidden from the uninitiated. Capoeira master, gathering in secret places, trying to maintain old traditions. They developed not only a technical component, but also the philosophical aspect of the dance-fight, singing ancient songs, played on simple folk instruments.

The military coup of 1930 changed the political situation in Brazil. Persecution of capoeira weakened. Soon opened the first official school of martial arts. Its founder was Manuel dos Reis Machado - Master Bimba. His effort was built affordable, precise and disciplined exercise "Rezhiunal." Bimba legalized capoeira as a national form of struggle. He systematized the existing techniques and enriched it with new movements.

Fame and popularity has also become popular Master Pastinha. His style is called "Angola", in honor of the country, where slaves were brought. These two wizards are considered key figures who shaped the development of modern capoeira. Bimba gave priority to combat aspects, and Pastinha emphasizes traditional ritual and dance fighting game character.

The first serious interest in the martial arts in Russia was shown in 1994, after the release of the movie "Only the Strong". In 1998, the State Committee has registered "Capoeira Federation of Russia."

Tags: history, dance, capoeira, art