How to make a good impression

How to make a good impression
 Very often, choosing among several candidates of the same level of professionalism, the employer takes into account the personal feelings from the first meeting and based on the favorable impression after the first meeting with the applicant.
 Before going for an interview, find out everything you can about the company, read its services or products. Try to find reviews on the internet or talk to people who work or have worked in the organization.

Carefully consider the style of clothing and accessories that you plan to wear to a job interview. If a company is appropriate specific dress code, try as much as possible to approach him. If you're going to get a job in the financial institutions should give preference to the classic business suit, and if future work is creative, then in that case you can wear looser clothing. The main condition - need to have a neat and tidy appearance, do not use sharp smell of perfume.

In no case should not be late for an interview. Make sure in advance that you are well known route, and you can get to the appointed place for 5-10 minutes before the beginning of the interview, to calm down, tune in to a meeting and put in order their own thoughts. If the situation is such that you can not even avoid delays, charmingly call the employer, apologize and explain the reasons for your delay. If your delay is prolonged, it makes sense to move the interview the next day.

During the conversation, listen carefully to the interviewer, look him in the eye. Before answering the question, the answer mentally specify such a way as to emphasize their strengths and not to mention the drawbacks. It is not necessary to initiate a discussion of the proposed salary, let the source itself will offer this subject. Show interest, be active, but do not interrupt, do not hesitate to ask your questions for future work.

Arriving at the office of the company, be friendly with all the staff, restrained smile, do not forget to say hello. Holds out his hand for dating only if you first, it stretched for a handshake. Sit on a chair only after you have been offered a seat.

At the end of the interview thank interlocutor for attention and specify when you can find out about the results of the interview.

Tags: interview, the employer