Stretching for back

Stretching for back
 In everyday life, many people have seen pain in the back. Their causes can be: a sedentary lifestyle, sitting or standing work, etc. Make a difference to help special exercises for the back, aimed at correcting disorders of the spine and stretch the back muscles.

Stand up straight, pull your hands over your head, fingers locked in the castle, feet shoulder width apart. On the inhale, turn the body to the right, fixing the hip in place. On the exhale, straighten up. With the next breath, turn around to the left. Repeat the exercise 12 - 15 times in each direction.

The starting position of the body do not change. With an exhalation tilt body to the right, on a breath again stand up straight. Repeat lean to the left. Make exercise 15 times on each side.

Palm put on a belt. On the inhale, expand the chest, shoulders and tailbone pull back. With an exhalation Vaughn a chest, shoulders send forward, squeeze the tailbone under him, just bend your knees. Repeat 6 - 10 times.

Sit cross-legged, hands interlock behind the castle. On the inhale stretch up over the top, stretching the spine. With an exhalation chin resting on the base of the neck, and slowly rounding the back, lower the top of the head to the floor. Hold for 3 minutes in the stop position. On the inhale slowly begins to spin like a neat set vertebra to vertebra back.

Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees and tighten to the chest, put his hands along the body. Inspiratory jerk lift your legs up and lift your lower back off the floor, put his hands on the kidneys. Pull the whole body and feet in a straight line, straining buttocks. On the exhale, begin to gently bring the legs behind her head, rounding the back. Reaching the point at which lets your body, put your hands on the floor and try to relax in this position. If you have a good sense of balance, you can move your hands to the head and hooked his hands behind toes, creating an additional burden to them and gently pulling your feet to the floor. After 30 - 40 seconds, bend your knees, and send them to the ears, even more stretching back muscles. Then place your palms on the kidneys, gently pull your feet up, and inhale slowly go back to the floor.

Pull your knees to her, chin to stretch his legs, his hands grasp the thigh. Do rolled onto his back forward - backward 1 - 2 minutes.

Tags: stretching, exercise